Friday, June 08, 2007

Bounded Rationality

Synthesizing the world around me, based on the limited information I have and applying it to an incomplete set of facts - This is My Bounded Rationality.

This is a quote from Jeff Shaw from Oklahoma , he has found that he also live in a set of facts that can't be changed without finding new facts that encounter our scope of mentality , and reflection ...

I believe that everyone has a limit in his mind , his soul , his heart ... you can react towards so many things that happen in your life , but there are such things that happen out of your scope , you can't face it , and unfortunately you can't do anything ...

to view Jeff Shaw blog
and to know about bounded rationality


Ummah said...

u r soooo obsessed with that boundary issue ^o)....!!

BaBaNesmA said...

I know I am

but sometime the only fact is so far from our mind , or can't be believed easily